Peruvian Adventure
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The Peru Adventure Saga:  A Lighthearted Wrap-up
August-September 2001

By Lynne Iglitzin - with help, encouragement and occasional rhymes from her best buddy.

The word was sent from out Del Mar
By Inca runners near and far.
We have a dream - a vision true:
A mystical journey to old Peru.

So embark with us upon our quest;
We'd go alone - but friends are best.
The call was answered from far and wide
From California to the Great Divide.
Via phone and fax and many e-mail:
We'll join with you on the Inca Trail.

And so, on one late August day
From places very far away
A group adventure was underway.

Armed with maps and guidebooks galore
We bought out every Ex Officio store.
We studied our Spanish - at least poco poco
And thought about Quechua - but were not THAT loco.

We arrived at Lima the middle of the night
And were greeted by Yvonne - our guiding light.
And so it proved, day in and out,
Yvonne our leader - our trusty scout.
Like a Mama Hen wth eighteen chicks
Yvonne navigated obstacles with her bag of tricks.

Witches'  market in Chiclayo
El Brujo and Pacasmayo
We grow to love the old Chimu
Chan Chan, Far Fan - Trujillo too.

And then we have Moche - the ceramics erotic
The sex somewhat raunchy and even psychotic.
It wasn't tacky
With Carol Mackey
To go trek-y trek-y throught Lambayeque.
We traipse throught museums, our eyes start to glaze.
Was it Moche? Or Chimu? We're in quite a daze.

And then to the Andes we were bussed;
In our driver we had to trust.
Each switchback turn, our hearts in our mouth
We sit there thinking: we should have turned South!
Our driver navigates each hill and ravine
And brings us - quite shaken - to ancient Chavin.

We learn from the healers to build our own mesas
And cheeily, happily drink muchos cervezas.
To cuy and chicha it's "No gracias, Senor"
But to Pisco Sours, it's "mas, mucho more"!

Our finest diversions the mercado excursions;
We shopped for bargains in soles or dollar
And when we said "no"
"Maybe tomorrow" they holler.

The best for last - we want to meet you
Arise at dawn in Machu Picchu.
Machu Picchu! Mystery and magic
One false step - it could be tragic.

And now we return to our own hometown
And each to his life as we all settle down
To home-cooked meals from our own refrigerator,
So we say to you,
This page was last updated on: July 22, 2007
This page was last updated on: July 22, 2007