September 2, 2001: HUARAZ - LIMA
This day will be our longest by bus.  It is eight hours of driving to Lima.  Of course we have to stop for photo ops, lunch, police checks, etc.  We got an early start and we arrived in Lima at 6PM.  We went south out of Hauras, re-crossed the Cordeilla Negra and then descended the long miles to Paramonga, on the coast.  Here we had lunch and then we got back onto the Pan American Hwy to Lima.  In Lima we checked back into El Pardo and Doug Sharon presented an hour long lecture on curandismo and its roots and current practice.  He apprenticed with a curandero named Eduardo for a number of years.  This man just passed away recently.  The group was well lubricated on Pisco Sours, the signature drink of Peru (and our group).  Pisco Pete Booz  has provided leadership in this regard.
High Andes lake - River source
Huaraz through the balcony geraniums
Snack Time